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Qualified and Registered Piano Teacher


30min Weekly Lessons

£60 per month

Lesson fees are to be paid on a monthly basis by Direct Debit.

Please note that throughout music lessons, the purchase of various books/resources will be necessary. These are not included in the monthly tuition fee.

For students who wish to sit music exams, there will be an additional exam fee charged by the exam board.

Direct Debit

Lesson fees are to be paid monthly by Direct Debit.


Lessons are to be paid on a monthly basis. It is important to note that you are paying for a reserved time slot; not for attended lessons. Please find information regarding Missed or Cancelled lessons in the Teaching Agreement.

  • Monthly Tuition Fees are paid for each month in advance. (Aprils lessons would be invoiced at the end of March).
  • Invoices will be sent by email on the 28th of each month. Payments will be processed automatically within a week.
  • There are various holiday weeks during the year where there are no lessons. Usually during Aberdeenshire school holidays. These weeks have already been deducted from the overall yearly cost of lessons and therefor will require no further discount.
  • No refunds or make-up lessons will be given for missed/cancelled lessons. This does include cancelling due to illness & holidays.
  • If the teacher is unable to attend a scheduled lesson (E.g. Due to illness or other commitments), a discount/refund will be applied to your next monthly invoice.

How do the Direct Debit payments work?

A Direct Debit will be set up when you start lessons. This will allow automatic payments to begin processing once an invoice has been sent.

You will receive an invoice by email on the 28th of every month for the following months tuition fees. Payments will begin automatically processing on the 1st and your account will be charged within a week.

e.g. An invoice received on the 28th January will contain Februarys tuition fees.


Direct Debits can be closed at any point, should you wish to stop lessons.

MM Piano Tuition reserves the right to charge a £5 administration fee for any rejected payments due to insufficient funds.